Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sigmund Freud s Vision Of Humanity Essay - 1779 Words

Psychodynamic Ideas According to Sigmund Freud’s vision of humanity, Jon is caught in a struggle between unconscious forces; id desires sex, aggression and conflict; ego is concerned with reality checking and social adaptation; and the superego which is concerned with morals and values obtained from parents and society; which require Jon to make compromises to decrease anxiety. These compromises that Jon must make for the sake of personality congruence, and the resulting decrease in psychic energy, can lead to discouragement and a loss of meaning (Reference needed). Unconscious sexual and aggressive urges from the id are overwhelming Jon’s defense mechanisms and reaching consciousness where they cause his negative emotions and worldview. Alfred Adler, a friend and colleague of Freud’s, proposed that Jon’s negative emotions, and bland worldview, is caused by an innate striving for positive social interactions and a selfless concern for the welfare of others , which drives the search for self-realization. Jon could decrease his negative emotions and worldview through altruistic concern for others. By taking his eyes off himself, and his feelings of doom and nothingness, and instead working selflessly to help another person, Jon can not only decrease his negativity, he can improve his outlook and meaning in life. Adler proposed that Jon is a social being, who will need healthy social interactions to rise above his feeling impending doom and nothingness, and fully develop hisShow MoreRelatedPsychoanalysis : The Height Of Academia Essay1635 Words   |  7 PagesMartin Seligman: Well the state of psychoanalysis wouldn’t exactly put it on a pedestal to measure my work against†¦ Sigmund Freud: What are you proposing? 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Trail from American Indians to American Citizens Essay

The Trail from American Indians to American Citizens The Bill of Rights contains all of the basic rights endowed to all American citizens. For the purpose of our argument we will consider the Indians of the 19th century as American citizens. After reviewing the Bill of Rights it became extremely apparent that as American citizens many Indians civil rights were not only withheld, but also flat out denied and violated. Under the direction of anti-Indian president Andrew Jackson, the Congress passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and within five years the Treaty of New Echota was formed and thus began the saddest series of events, which became known as the Trail of Tears. These events and more added to the delinquency of the†¦show more content†¦Ridge, along with 500 of the 17,000 Cherokee in North Georgia signed the Treaty of New Echota. This gave Pres Jackson the legal documentation he needed to begin unconstitutionally removing American citizens known as Native-Americans. The Fourth amendment protects citizens from gover nmental misuse of power or due process of law. The right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizers, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Clearly relocating people is quite unconstitutional. Not only was this relocation inhumane, but it showed a chilling lack of reverence similar to that of Nazi Germany. Any type of mass relocation is against everything that the Bill of Rights empowers. For those that argue the citizens signed a treaty, they are meet with two facts. The first fact is that nowhere in the treaty were death marches at gunpoint mentioned nor slum forts housing. The second fact is that a mere 3.4% of the Cherokee Nation attended the signing. Fully represented or not the Indians were treated with utter and total disregard for the law . The U.S. Government was well aware that Ridge did not represent the majority of the Cherokee Nation but the bill passed anyway by aShow MoreRelatedTrail Of Tears : Reasons Behind The Action1648 Words   |  7 PagesTrail of Tears: the Reasons Behind the Action The march of the Cherokee Indians in 1836 from western North Carolina to Oklahoma, known as the â€Å"Trail of Tears,† is one of the most traumatic events in American history. By 1830, the Native Americans had adopted the written language of the Anglo-Americans and signed treaties with them guaranteeing their rights to their land. Although the Natives often adapted to the Anglo-American ways of life and many Natives converted to Christianity, the relationshipRead MoreThe Sorrow of the Trail of Tears Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pagesnot the very basis for leaving Europe, and coming to the Americas? 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Profile of the Science Museum Essay Example For Students

Profile of the Science Museum Essay The following report details the results of the profiling of the Science Museums virtual audience. The work forms part of a larger project to gain a detailed understanding of the demographic and psycho-graphic profile of our total audience both physical and virtual. It is therefore run in conjunction with a survey of actual visitors to the Museum. Both Web and physical audience surveys will be run as longitudinal projects, so that we can build up a picture of fluctuations and changes in the profile over the coming years. METHODOLOGY The following report is based on responses to a short pop-up survey, which was posted on the Science Museum homepage on Monday 6 August 2001. Log data were also used to supply additional information on virtual visiting patterns.  A cookie was employed to discourage visitors from completing the survey more than once, and to avoid irritating regular visitors. However, a link was provided further down the site so that anyone who had initially closed the survey could go back and fill it in later. Survey responses were collected in the course of one 24-hour day. The survey was available for the full 24 hours to avoid excluding users accessing the site at night or in different time zones. A total of 252 responses were collected, representing 5.5% of the 4600 visitors to the site during the 24 hours of the survey period.  While the pop-up survey dealt specifically with the Science Museum Website, the questions were closely linked to those used to profile the Museums physical visitors. This allows us to compare the data and look at both physical and virtual visiting patterns. The Web survey was developed in close collaboration with the Science Museums Web Management Group. The demographic questions within the survey had been extensively piloted through prior use in the physical survey.  Note of caution  It should be noted that the survey was up on the Website for one day during the summer holidays. It therefore represents a snapshot of visitors at a particular time of year, rather than a conclusive summary of annual visiting patterns. The survey will be repeated during the autumn term, and at intervals throughout the year to explore seasonal fluctuations in visiting patterns. The return rate of 5.5% represents a relatively high response rate for web surveys where return rates of 2% 4% are standard. However, it should be noted that the responses of the sample taken may not be representative of the total population of Web visitors.  Please note that the physical audience profiling data has only been collected for 6 months. Therefore figures quoted for the physical visitor profile below may alter once a full years data has been included. The data given for physical visitors excludes school groups to allow the best comparison for the Web survey, which was taken during school holidays. The following graph shows fluctuations in patterns of Website visiting over the past two years. It is difficult to interpret the individual peaks and troughs in the graph due to changes in collection methods. However, the overall trend is an increase in visitor numbers to the site.  Note on search phrases  The log data also provides data on search phrases used to access the site from external search engines. This data provides interesting information on the sorts of topics users are interested in when they enter the site. An initial review of the data showed that a very wide range of search phrases are being used. A high proportion of these comprised combinations of the words science and museum. A detailed analysis of the search phrases would give an idea of the most common topics under which visitors enter the site. However, because of the amount and range of data, this analysis would need to be done separately to this report.  Acknowledgements  Thank you to Mike Ellis and Daniel Evans for their help with this project.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why Writing Below Your Minimum Rate Can Pay Off Big

Theres another one again. A prospect wanting content below your minimum rate. Its the third one this month. What gives? You obviously have a stellar portfolio and are even working with influencers and writing on big platforms. So, when another prospect contacts you and it looks like a good fit – its in your niche – you suddenly become disinterested because the pay is too low – even after negotiating with them. You dont mind too much, but you do want at least another gig or two to fill up your content calendar, so not landing another gig does hurt a bit, financially. Maybe you should have taken that low-paying gig. Heres why. Lower-Paying Gigs Can Improve Your Business A lot of my client list have been grandfathered in. This means, the rate I quoted them a year ago, is still the same rate today. Why am I not raising my rates with most of these clients? Simple. They provide consistent work to me and have referred clients to me. These are my top tier clients and I dont plan on changing my rates since I get more than enough work from them. But, there have been times when Ive taken on gigs below my minimum rate. Why? 1. If the Gig is in My Wheelhouse Theres a good chance Ill take on a lower-paying client if its in my wheelhouse. Now, this isnt all the time, but if its super easy for me to write it, then Ill take it. For example, Twiniversity – a popular site for moms with multiples – contacted me to write for them. The gig is writing about twins and parenting. Wh-what? Of course Ill do it. Why wouldnt I? The site is well-known, has a huge audience and I can promote my Twins Mommy site. But, the pay is shy of my minimum rate. For this instance, that didnt matter. Just being on their platform is enough payment for me. 2. If the Gig Provides Consistent Work Would you rather get an extra $300 every month or $500 on an ad hoc basis? The ad hoc client pays you within your range, but the $300 a month client does not. Yet, you end up getting paid more on a monthly basis if   you go with the lower-paying client – because they are consistent. Sometimes its better to get consistent work at a lower pay than inconsistent work at a higher pay. Knowing that youll always get paid is reassuring to a freelance writer, right? The life of a freelance writer is inconsistent so hold on to those consistent gigs as much as possible. 3. If I Know the Gig Will Lead to More Work I recently landed a gig on a popular blog. While the pay is good, its not within my range – but thats totally OK because every time my post is published, I always get inquiries for my writing and land more clients. So, if you know that the lower-paying work will lead to higher-paying work, take it. Its just another way to grow your income. Lower-Paying Gigs Can Mean a Break For You I dont know about you, but sometimes writing for my high-paying B2B clients takes a lot out of me. Theres often a ton more research involved, more writing involved, more screenshots, more links, and just more work overall. So, when I get to write a 500 word blog post on awful digital manners, its a treat for me. I can link to YouTube videos and dont have to use screenshots, for example. Its easier to write these types of posts and its quicker too. And when my life is already pretty stressful as it is as a work-from-home mom, these lower-paying gigs are often a breath of fresh air for me. Lower-Paying Gigs Can Help You Break Into a New Niche As a new freelance writer, you may not know what your niche is. Maybe you have three niches already, but none of them are very lucrative. Its okay to explore other niches. But, to do that you might have to start at the bottom of the totem pole so to speak. At one time, I wanted to explore the WordPress niche. I heard theres a lot of work in this niche and that it can be very profitable. I was able to land a couple clients in this niche, but I couldnt command my high rate since I didnt have any samples to show and I had no credibility as a WordPress writer. So, I lowered my minimum rate. That helped me secure samples and clients easily. I could then use those portfolio pieces and client testimonials to help me establish myself in the WordPress niche. Although I never pursued this, a lot of freelance writers follow these same steps to break into a new niche. Lower-Paying Gigs Can Mean Writing for a New Audience Can I tell you a little secret? A lot of highly popular websites either dont pay for their content or pay very little. Huffington Post, for example, doesnt pay their contributors. But, freelance writers and bloggers all around are desperately trying to land a guest spot on HuffPo because they know the benefits outweigh the whole no-pay thing. Mainly traffic back to their site and new client work. But, theres also one more benefit to writing for gigs below your minimum rate – you reach a new audience. The more people that see your post on these big websites, the better chance youll have at landing better writing gigs. Sharon Hurley Hall had this happened to her. She wrote a review and mentioned Buzzsumo. Buzzsumo contacted her and invited her to write for their blog – for free. Her Buzzsumo post then got picked up by Business2Community and has been shared many times. This post reached a new audience for Sharon and she ended up landing clients from this opportunity. Its Totally Worth It Freelance writing is my main – part-time – gig. Ive worked with dozens and dozens of clients over the last almost two years of doing this. Im in the trenches still, and will continue to work as a freelance writer because I love it and I think its a great gig to have if you want to work from home. So, Ive learned that not all high-paying gigs are worth it. There are many better lower-paying gigs out there that can really help you grow your business. Next time a prospect emails you with a lower rate, take a look at their profile. Do they have a popular site? A big audience? A huge social media presence? Are they in your niche? Will it help you land more clients? If the answer to all of those is yes, then take the gig! Over to you – how has writing below your minimum rate helped your freelance business?